Kaspersky Endpoint Security For Business Select Download

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business SELECT 25 Nodes. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business protects businesses of all size against any kind of cyber threat, across any device and on any platform. Powerful multi-layered security is supported by extensive management features.

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business SELECT - 1 Year. Kaspersky Endpoint. Of Devices: 100. Type: Antivirus/Internet Security, Format: Download.
  • Download the most current version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business SELECT to get the latest security and performance updates. Solutions for. Endpoint Security for Business Select. Next-generation protection and control for every endpoint. LATEST VERSIONS.
  • Pros

    Aggressive malware and virus detection. Good network protection. Excellent phishing detection.

  • Cons

    Lackluster dashboard. No true reporting module. Limited searching on audit events.

  • Bottom Line

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud excels at protecting systems, but doesn't do so well at capitalizing on their cloud management console. While serviceable, this endpoint protection system still needs a bit of tweaking and the addition of a reporting module.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (which begins at $299.99 per year for 10 nodes) brings the iron-clad endpoint protection of Kaspersky to a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) deployment model. It supports both Mac and Windows platforms as well as Android and iOS on the mobile side, though the latter is only about mobile device management (MDM) functionality rather than security. This means that remote wipe, password protection, and a few iOS settings are there but no antivirus support. Kaspersky says this is due to limitations of the iOS platform rather than an architectural choice from their engineering team. With a 30-day trial available on their website, Kaspersky has delivered a creditable endpoint security solution. However, problems with its user interface (UI) and especially its lack of a reporting engine keep it behind Editors' Choice winners Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security and ESET Endpoint Protection Standard in this roundup.

  • $81.00
  • $165.00
  • $39.60
  • $4.08
  • $75.50
  • $150.00
  • $59.99
  • $30.16
  • $68.00
  • $0.00
  • $25,000.00
  • $14.33
  • $0.53
  • $112.49

Installation and UI

After logging in for the first time, installing the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud client is as simple as downloading a distribution package from the appropriate tab. After installation, the device will be automatically added to the cloud console for administrators to see and manage. Mobile devices have an extra step in that they require you to send an invite to the mobile user via email. Specific instructions, depending on the mobile platform, are required for setup so be careful with those emails, but the end result is the same.

I found the Information pane to be somewhat lackluster. The Getting Started tab appears first, which offers up some quick links to add users, configure notifications, connect devices, and perform a number of other setup actions. But it would have been nice to have been able to turn this off and default to the Events tab for day-to-day use; however, I couldn't find any way to do this. The Monitoring tab is equally uninspiring. It provides a basic heads-up if any major event happens but it generally seems devoid of useful feedback.

The Events tab is really where your daily action is. It quickly breaks down any logged event into status categories comprised of Critical, Functional Failure, Info, Warning, and All. Since none of the attempted attacks succeeded in my testing, it was difficult to review this section but this is most comparable to the overview dashboards in other products, notably Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus.
While this emphasis on simplicity was limiting in the Information pane, one place where it was actually graceful was in Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud's Security profiles. Here, most settings are a simple toggle. Where additional detail is required, such as with Device Control and Web Control, an Additional Options button is quickly accessible on the right-hand side. Furthermore, each operating system (OS) has its own major heading so there is no confusion about which features applies to which platform. In most instances, the default policy will work just fine for new users, but there's a large degree of freedom available for an admin to customize and tweak policies for their specific environment; this is great as long as you know what you're doing. The Users tab is where both users and groups are managed. Like most of the other endpoint protection products I reviewed, security profiles can be assigned to individual users or groups. Ultimately, this works well and doesn't leave a lot of room for interpretation.

The Quarantine Manager is similarly easy to use and acts in a similiar way to the Live Status tab in Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Services. It's a simple matter of selecting the detected threat and deleting or restoring it. By clicking on each threat, you can get some generic though useful details, such as where the threat was detected, what type of threat it was, and the file's status. Some files may simply be flagged as suspicious and need to be cleared manually, while others may be more obvious threats and be cleaned on the spot. I found the process to be refreshingly fast.

Sadly, there are no real reporting capabilities in Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, which is really a bedrock requirement for an information technology (IT)-capable management tool of any kind. While you could eventually get to the information for which you are looking, there isn't one handy place to go for it. It does have a full audit trail of changes made to security profiles, but this is mostly left to the admin to sift through each line on the Events tab.


To test Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, I started out with a simple malware detection test. The test began by extracting 111 fresh malware samples onto the desktop. Only the default settings were used. Happily, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud detected each of the malicious applications immediately after they were extracted. No execution was necessary for Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud to detect them as threats. Both an email alert and client-side alert were sent immediately. I found that it's also possible to configure the software to apply this kind of protection to mounted shares.

To evaluate Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud's anti-phishing capabilities, I used a set of 10 newly reported phishing websites from PhishTank, a community that reports phishing websites. Of these, 10 out of 10 were appropriately blocked, which beat even Editors' Choice winner ESET Endpoint Protection Standard. There was also a method for reporting that the webpage was mistakenly blocked.

To simulate a direct attack, I used the Metasploit Framework with which I deployed a compromised PDF file that would result in the attacker being able to open a remote shell. It was immediately blocked on opening and the threat was resolved. Following this, I used a Microsoft Word file infected with some hostile Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code designed to have the same effect as the previous PDF file. To its credit, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud didn't even allow this threat to be saved to the desktop.
When faced with a Veil-encoded exploit, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud immediately blocked execution and removed it from the desktop. It was also able to shut down a PowerShell-based threat that contained an encoded version of Meterpreter. While these results are mostly good, it's worth noting that, even though all encoded attacks were detected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud didn't automatically remove them from the source folder, which was located on a shared drive.

From an independent lab perspective, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud received a passing grade from MRG-Effitas during their Q2 2017 In the Wild 360 / Full Spectrum Test. This equates to detecting and blocking 100 percent of all samples presented to the product. AV-Comparatives cited in their October 2017 test that Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud blocked 99.7 percent of the samples that they used.

Top-down, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud is a great security suite that covers most major platforms, though it does so with a flawed cloud management component. It blocked every one of my attempts to compromise its host systems and it held up well in independent lab tests, too. While the cloud management console does most things right, its dashboard could use some improvement, plus it really needs a reporting engine. That said, it is available at a good price of $299.99 per year for 10 nodes so, if reporting isn't that important to you, then Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud is certainly worth a look.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud

Kaspersky Endpoint Security For Business Download

Bottom Line: Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud excels at protecting systems, but doesn't do so well at capitalizing on their cloud management console. While serviceable, this endpoint protection system still needs a bit of tweaking and the addition of a reporting module.

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