Xbox One Slow Download Speeds Fix

Posted by8 months ago
  1. Slow download speeds in Xbox One S fixed in latest preview builds Kit McDonald Email @ Sep 12th, 2016 in Latest news Xbox One S users have been suffering through some performance issues.
  2. Mar 11, 2018 - Compared to the 45 - 50mb/s I would get on the same internet on my Xbox One, that's pretty slow. I've tried changing my download region,.

I’ve always had an issue with my Xbox one s where it completely throttles the available download speed which is usually 90mb/s (good speed for Australia).

Right now I’m downloading bo4 which has been installing for the past 6 hours - it’s only 60% of the way through. It’s definitely not an issue with my internet as I can do a Speedtest on any other device and it will always show 70mb/s+ download speeds. I’ve tried using different routers but get the same result.

Re: Xbox One Slow Download Speeds on Fiber I changed the DNS to and and it works great for the XboxOne as well. However when you have more than 1 xbox in the house, that is when you have issues with this.

The download speed shown on my xbox normally stays below 20mb/s, sometimes getting down to 500kb/s. Sometimes it will jump up to between 100 and 200mb/s. I’m honestly clueless because at the same time the Xbox shows 500kb/s, a speedtest on my phone is showing 160mb/s.

Any ideas?

Xbox One Slow Download Speeds Fix

Your Internet download speeds affect overall network performance. Enabling faster downloads improves your enjoyment of your Internet feed, along with productivity and gaming. Factors influencing download speed include viruses, wireless or wired connections, and how many programs you run at any given time. Often you have to collaborate with your Internet service provider to fix issues or upgrade your speeds.

Step 1

Run a network speed test to determine baseline performance. Resources like evaluate and report your upload and download speeds so you know what changes effect improvements.

Step 2

Run anti-virus software on your computer to locate and eliminate harmful malware. In addition to creating harmful security holes, malware runs constantly in the background, hogging system resources and slowing connection speeds. Some malware prevents an Internet connection entirely.

Step 3

Close unneeded programs. Even if you aren't actively using a program, if it's open it's using up system resources. Only keep those programs open that you need at any given time.


Step 4

Switch from a wireless to a wired connection. In addition to offering more security than wireless, wired connections are consistently faster. For example, most wireless connections offer 54 megabit per second speeds, while wired feeds routinely operate at 100Mbps or more.

Step 5

Reset your router and modem. Often these devices 'lock up,' requiring a reset to restore normal operation. This is also effective if you lose your connection entirely. For these reasons, resetting system hardware by unplugging cables and AC power adapters from network hardware is often the first step offered by ISP technical support.

Reduce the amount of streaming or downloads on your network at any given time. These>

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Xbox One Network Speed Slow

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